The Base encoding encryption and decryption tool can convert ordinary text to common base16, base32, base36, base64 or base58, base62, base85, base91 encoding methods, encode and decode characters.
Example 1: Convert text: "wqtool" to base64 encoded characters
1. Enter the characters to be encoded or decoded in the text area
2. Select the encoding type as base64
3. Click the "Encode" button to base64 encode the specified characters
The obtained value of "wqtool" after base64 encoding conversion is: d3F0b29s
Example 2: Convert base91 encoded characters: "B&tK" to normal text
1. Enter "B&tK" in the text box
2. Set the encoding type to base91
3. After selecting the "Decode" button, the base91 encoded characters can be decoded as: www