QR code decoding

Select QR code:
Select QR code:

Temporary cache is automatically deleted after processing is complete

Processing method:

The QR code decoding tool can read and identify the contents of common QR code pictures, and decode the text or link information contained in the QR code

Two dimensional code, also known as two-dimensional bar code, can store and record specific information with a regular combination of specific black-and-white patterns on the two-dimensional plane. Compared with bar code, it can contain more data types. It is a popular coding method on mobile devices such as mobile phones in recent years


1. Select the processing method for identifying QR code pictures

2. Select a QR code picture to decode

3. Click the "decode" button to automatically read and return the contents of the QR code image in the browser

Note: if you need to convert text or links into QR code pictures, you can use the "Create QR code tool"