Picture layer overlay

Background picture:
width: height:
Superimposed picture:
width: height:
Opacity: Output format: Processing method:
You can drag the slider to adjust the size of the picture, click anywhere in the view below to set the overlay position:

The image overlay tool can not only synthesize an overlay image on any position of the background image in the form of mask overlay, but also can manually set or drag the slider with the mouse to freely adjust the transparency, length and width of the overlay image and the background image .


1. Choose a superimposed image and the superimposed background image

2. After the selection is complete, click anywhere in the preview view to set the exact position of the overlay layer in the background layer

3. Set the size and dimensions of the two layers in the text box. Or drag the slider with the mouse to quickly adjust the parameters of zooming two pictures, the unit is px

4. Set the transparency of the overlay image, the smaller the value, the higher the transparency of the overlay image and the format of the output image. Then synthesize the overlay image